StudyMe is a community where students, education providers and agents can communicate with each other about study options. Our purpose is to help all parties find the best possible education outcomes.

All StudyMe users agree to follow this Acceptable Use policy as part of the sign-up process. If you breach any items in this policy, we reserve the right to remove you from the system.

Read more about your responsibilities below.


By using StudyMe, you acknowledge our Privacy policy and consent to sharing your personal information with others on the system in the following ways:

  • Your profile information and documents will be visible to interested university staff.
  • Any contact details added by you to StudyMe will be visible to universities if you accept their invitation to connect.
  • Your profile, conversations and actions will be visible to your agent or school counsellor if you have added them to your account.

You also agree to:

Be honest and authentic

  • Use your real name and real details
  • Do not make multiple accounts/profiles
  • Only use StudyMe if you are aged 16 years or older
  • Only use StudyMe if you are a genuine student with a legitimate desire to undertake further study
  • Share accurate and complete information on your profile so that prospective universities have the full picture

Be an active participant

  • Keep your profile and status up to date
  • Reply to messages and connection requests from institutions to let them know whether you are interested or not
  • Keep your contact details up to date if they change

Be safe and respectful

  • Keep your account details confidential and do not let anyone else access your account
  • Do not send, display or publish material which is obscene or offensive, defamatory or potentially defamatory, would contravene anyone’s intellectual property rights, is likely to incite sexual, religious or racial hatred, violence, discrimination or vilification
  • Do not send or distribute any virus, worm, trojan or other malicious code
  • Do not interfere with the proper operation of the website or integrity of its services
  • Do not attempt to copy or replicate any parts of the system or gain unauthorised access to the services or related systems or networks

University and college staff

By using StudyMe, you acknowledge and consent to sharing information with others on the system in the following ways:

  • Your profile information and any contact details you add to StudyMe will be visible to students who accept your invitation to connect
  • Your conversations and contact details will be visible to the students’ agent or school counsellor if they have added them to their profile

You also agree to:

Be honest and authentic

  • Use your real name and real details
  • Do not make multiple accounts/profiles
  • Do not make false promises or offers

Be helpful and active

  • Reply to students within a reasonable timeframe
  • Give students personal advice tailored to their needs
  • Give students accurate and complete information so they can make informed decisions
  • Do not invite student to apply for courses that are not suitable for their needs
  • Respect each student’s right to make their own decision free from coercion or pressure
  • Do not encourage students represented by an agent to apply directly or through a different agent
  • Keep your contact details up to date if they change

Be safe and respectful

  • Always act with professionalism and integrity, upholding the laws and standards relevant to your country of operation
  • Keep your account details confidential and do not let anyone else access your account
  • Do not send, display or publish material which is obscene or offensive, defamatory or potentially defamatory, would contravene anyone’s intellectual property rights, is likely to incite sexual, religious or racial hatred, violence, discrimination or vilification
  • Do not discriminate against students on the basis of appearance, religion, race or other criteria that could be perceived as unethical or illegal
  • Do not send or distribute any virus, worm, trojan or other malicious code
  • Do not interfere with the proper operation of the website or integrity of its services
  • Do not attempt to copy or replicate any parts of the system or gain unauthorised access to the services or related systems or networks

Agents and career teachers

By using StudyMe, you acknowledge and consent to sharing information with others on the system in the following ways:

  • Your profile information and any contact details you add to Studyme will be visible to your students and any universities they connect with

You also agree to:

Be honest and authentic

  • Use real names and real contact details for your account and for any student profiles you create
  • Do not make multiple accounts/profiles for yourself or your students
  • Only upload profiles for genuine students with a legitimate desire to undertake further study – don’t mislead anyone
  • Ensure student profiles are accurate and complete so that prospective universities have the full picture
  • Do not make false promises or offers

Be helpful and active

  • Reply to messages from students and/or universities within a reasonable timeframe
  • Keep student profiles up to date if their preferences or status changes
  • Give students personal advice tailored to their needs
  • Give students accurate and complete information so they can make informed decisions
  • Keep your contact details up to date if they change

Be safe and respectful

  • Always act with professionalism and integrity, upholding the laws and standards relevant to your country of operation
  • Keep your account details confidential and do not let anyone else access your account
  • Do not send, display or publish material which is obscene or offensive, defamatory or potentially defamatory, would contravene anyone’s intellectual property rights, is likely to incite sexual, religious or racial hatred, violence, discrimination or vilification
  • Do not discriminate against students on the basis of appearance, religion, race or other criteria that could be perceived as unethical or illegal
  • Do not send or distribute any virus, worm, trojan or other malicious code
  • Do not interfere with the proper operation of the website or integrity of its services
  • Do not attempt to copy or replicate any parts of the system or gain unauthorised access to the services or related systems or networks