Diversify your Student Recruitment
Are you overwhelmed with student university applications but trying to diversify your intake? Or maybe struggling to stand out in the crowd? We understand the challenges of direct student recruitment for universities, and with StudyMe we put you back in control.
150+ Countries
2,000+ New Students Each Month
67% Seeking Undergraduate Degrees
Over 20,000 Active Users
Create your Profile

Choose your Students
according to their qualifications English level, Country/Region, and 30+ filters

Invite them to Apply
chat directly with your best fit students or let our trained counselors represent you

Outsource Conversion
StudyMe Advisers provide personal 1-2-1 service to help students through the process

Admission-Ready Apps
delivered straight to you, pre-qualified, completed and on time
For an informal chat about your student recruitment goals, and how we can help.
Introducing Your AI Enabled Admission Counselor That Never Sleeps.
StudyMe's Embedded AI:
- Provides immediate and meaningful answers to students’ questions.
- Qualifies students based on their questions.
- Sends leads to your admissions team.
Why StudyMe?
No Wasted Time
You only connect with students
who fit your entry requirements.
Focus on Diversification
Boost the countries and programs
you wish, exclude the rest.
Direct international student recruitment, without
the time and expense of travel.
Outsourced Conversion
Hyper-personalized ‘always on’ recruitment
that doesn’t drain resources.
Recruitment Insights
View transparent application pipeline
and analytics dashboard.
Positive Student Experience
Students feel seen and supported
by our one-to-one service.
To learn more about becoming
a StudyMe University Partner
Partner Universities

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